Stay tuned for more health products and information coming soon!
Vegan Vitamin D3
Derived from Lichen, this is a vegan-safe, ultra-effective form of the extremely important Vitamin D3. You're not getting vitamin D3 from the healthy fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, etc. that you're eating. D3 is different from most vitamins, and really isn't a vitamin at all, but is a steroid hormone precursor that is produced when sun rays react upon your skin.
We were designed to live outside. So we SHOULD be outside as much as possible. It's the best way to stay healthy and get your Vitamin D. But most people can't be outside as much as we need to in order to produce sufficient D3. And many of us live a long ways from the equator, so the sunlight isn't strong enough in the fall and winter to give us the needed D3.
Want to improve your chances of not catching those miserable seasonal cold and flu? German researchers have discovered that Vitamin D increases your immune function 3-5 times! And it dramatically stimulates the production of potent anti-microbial peptides.
Vitamin D has also been known to improve mood and carries with it a whole host of physiological benefits.
Vitamin B12
What if the "normal" way we feel isn't normal at all! Without a doubt, we need peak brain health for the times in which we live. B12 deficiency has been linked to brain shrinkage, Alzheimer's, and megaloblastic anemia. 30% of adults over 50 cannot absorb B12 in food, and a lot more than that are deficient in this crucial energy-producing vitamin.
Discover a new "normal" by starting with the extravagant enjoyment of the eight laws of health. After that, for those who need it - which is the majority of us - this is the same vitamin B12 used in the latest medical injections, but with no needles. Just drop it under the tongue before a meal, hold for 15 seconds, and swallow.
I'm not a big supplement guy, but my wife and I take this and only a couple others every day, and can definitely tell the difference. I've shared this B12 with friends and have heard the same thing unanimously: "I have more mental and physical energy, and I don't feel as good when I haven't taken it!"
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Vegan Algae Omega 3, High Purity
Vegan Algae Omega 3 is a rich source of toxin-free EPA and DHA. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans, as it is derived from Algae.
Flax seeds, walnuts, and other sources of Omega 3 fatty acids deliver excellent ALA to the body, but do not contain EPA and DHA. Almost all plant-based diets lack EPA and DHA. While the body can convert ALA to EPA and DHA, not everybody's body does so efficiently. And when in doubt, I take the extra measures of getting strong doses of the nutrients most needed for brain health.
Countless studies today suggest that Omega 3s enhance brain and eye development in unborn babies and also the elderly, that it has mood enhancing ability in children and teenagers and provides general calmness through the menstrual cycle in women, as well as being the best preventative for heart disease and cardiovascular function.
The leading brand is $38 for 30 servings of 630 mg of DHA/EPA/other Omegas. With the Omega 3s we were able to get, we can offer them at only $29 for 30 servings of 700mg. So it's 24% less cost and you get 10% MORE omegas!