B12 is the only vitamin that is not recognized as being reliably supplied from a varied wholefood, plant-based diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables, together with exposure to sun.
Thus, for many individuals, B12 supplementation is a great option, a necessary option, and has been life-changing.
Revitalize B12 is 100% vegan and utilizes the perfect combination of the best, natural sources of B12, avoiding the cheap stuff completely.
Shocking Facts About Vitamin B12
Shocking Facts About Vitamin B12
As much as 40% of Americans are low or deficient in this essential nutrient. Read this article: Why Everyone (Not Just Vegans) Should Be Taking Vitamin B12
Vitamin B-12 deficiency leads to megaloblastic anemia, a fatigue-ridden condition where red blood cells don't develop properly and can't carry oxygen efficiently.
B-12 deficiency is a serious problem that can cause fatigue, weakness, constipation, weight loss, depression, poor memory, asthma, vision problems, and low sperm count.
What Can Revitalize B12 Do For You?
What Can Revitalize B12 Do For You?
Support Healthy Nerve & Brain Cells
Help Make DNA
Boost Energy Naturally
Produce Healthy Blood Cells
Essential for Proper Nervous System Function
7 Dangers of B12 Deficiency
7 Dangers of B12 Deficiency
7 Benefits of B12
7 Benefits of B12
1. Supports Energy
B12 keeps your cells fed, happy, and without it, your cells get hungry and you feel weak, tired, and like you’re dragging all the time.
2. Protects the Heart
One of its jobs is to remove a dangerous protein called homocysteine from the blood. If homocysteine is allowed to roam through blood, it damages your arteries leading to inflammation and heart disease.
3. Your Bones Need It
Studies have found patients with osteoporosis have higher levels of homocysteine and low levels of B12 than people with strong, healthy bones.
4. Prevents Nerve Damage
Nerve coverings, called myelin sheaths, require B12 to develop and replenish.
5. Improves Mood and Outlook
One study of diabetic patients experiencing side effects of depression from Metformin found those who took B12 enjoyed a more positive outlook.
6. Protects Brain Health
Researchers have noted Alzheimer’s patients have much lower levels of B12 than those of a similar age who have sharp, clear memory. Some research suggests that cobalamin deficiency may cause a type of dementia in elderly patients that is in fact reversible with the right nutritional intervention.
7. Keeps You Looking and Feeling Young
Aging happens when your cells begin to wear and tear, and they age faster when your DNA doesn’t replicate correctly. Many factors can affect DNA replication, like free radicals, toxins in the blood, high blood sugar, and high levels of omega-6 fats in your diet. B12 supports DNA health, thereby keeping your cells younger. And when your cells are young, you look and feel young too.
What Sets Revitalize B12 apart?
What Sets Revitalize B12 apart?
Low quality B12 formulations can have serious problems when it comes to their effect on the body, their purity, and of course what's known as their 'bio-active' abilities.
What is Vitamin B12?
Although most of us simply know vitamin B12 as the B vitamin responsible for energy production, it's important to understand that vitamin B12 is actually a catch-all term for a class of vitamins known as cobalamins -- cyanocobalamin, hydroxocobalamin, methylcobalamin, and adenosylcobalamin -- and they are not equal in their benefits.
Cyanocobalamin is a synthetic vitamin found in low-end supplements and fortified foods. It is not included in the Revitalize B12 formula. Ours is the perfect balance of the three most effective forms of B12, each offering its own contribution to the complete cobalamin regimen.
Hydroxocobalamin is a natural form of B12 that the body assimilates and utilizes slowly throughout the day, providing lasting effect.
At the same time, methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin are what's called "coenzyme forms" of B12, and your body puts them to efficient use quickly.
The serving size of Revitalize B12 is 12 drops. If done 2x per day, that would be 500 mcg of these high quality forms of B12. At that dosage, the 60 servings would last 30 days. (For more on a 500 mcg daily intake of B12 read this.)
If it is possible to test your B-12 levels and set a dose level, perhaps higher than the serving size in Revitalize B12, in consultation with a qualified healthcare professional, that would be ideal.
Who Should Take B-12 Supplements?
Most everybody should be taking B12 supplements. Those who eat meat do get some B12 by eating animals who have been given B12 supplements. Since meat eating comes with numerous health hazards, it is cleaner and simpler to stick to a plant diet and take your B12 supplement, yourself, rather than taking it via an animal's supplementation regimen.
The Framingham Offspring Study in 2000 found that 39% of the average population is low (ranging in deficient to “low”) in B12. The study showed no statistically significant difference between old people and young people. More interestingly, there were no statistically significant differences in B12 between people who consumed meat and people who didn’t.