“There are life-giving properties in the balsam of the pine, in the fragrance of the cedar and the fir.” – {Counsels on Health, p. 170}”
PERSONAL EXPERIENCE - WHY WE CREATED THIS PRODUCT: I travel for a living (speaking at churches) and I've experienced God's gracious remedies (water, low stress, oregano, echinacea, turmeric, astragalus, vitamin d, vitamin c, zinc, hot-cold showers) regularly shorten and weaken the effect of cold and flu.
That list goes on and on and gets expensive - thousands of dollars over time.
But when I started spraying this inexpensive little concoction into the back of my throat during this past cold and flu season (pre-corona)– I’ve never witnessed anything like it. Not just shortening and weakening the illnesses. This was the first season EVER that I didn’t have to spend a couple days fighting something off!
I regularly sprayed RevitaGuard whenever in public spaces, and also the moment I first felt something coming on, I started spraying hardcore and: GONE.**
The health consultants who advised on this formulation tell me (as does my experience) that the nano-silver in RevitaGuard is the most powerful thing out there today and is the most important component of the 4-fold synergy. Iodine. Mild essential oils. And it tastes great with the peppermint in it, which freshens the breath also.
So here is the best thing I’ve ever used during flu season… offered at a fair price. (And if you’re struggling financially, don’t worry about the price; please contact me and we’ll help you out.)
Friends, we are in what appears to be the 11th hour of earth’s history (free religious literature in every order!) and 11th Hour Health is our effort to partially self-fund to stay in ministry full time (while not traveling for now), but more importantly, to share with you our #1 favorite thing we take. My deep thanks, in Christ, for your support of 11th Hour Health!
Don't forget, immune-boosting products like these are not meant to replace a healthy lifestyle. NOTHING can replace quality sleep, nutrition, hydration, fresh air, sunlight, or a low-stress peace in Christ.
Why RevitaGuard Works Better Than Anything We’ve Tried
Why RevitaGuard Works Better Than Anything We’ve Tried
Nano-Silver is:
Highly effective
Natural and Safe
Not a stimulant or allergen
Tolerance free
Rest assured: This nano-silver is 10-ppm, which means it cannot accumulate in the tissues and turn you blue!
Historical Use of Silver
The anti-microbial uses of nano-silver have been known for
hundreds of years, from European nobles employing silver tableware in order to prevent food poisoning to the sages in India utilizing silver thin film to keep food from spoiling. American pioneers even deposited silver coins in their MILK containers!In modern times, silver is used in water purification
commercially and by NASA.
There’s nothing like nano-silver out there today…
Nano-silver reduces the silver particles down to the nano-meter range (1nm=10-9mm, 1/10,000 of hair thickness). This maximizes the surface area of the particles, as they combine with the cell walls of pathogens.
IODINE – the best anti-viral?
See what Dr. Mercola has to say about it HERE.
(Not an endorsement of everything he teaches, but this is an informative page…)
Rosemary – Feels like a Pine Forest
“There are life-giving properties in the balsam of the pine, in the fragrance of the cedar and the fir.” – {Counsels on Health, p. 170}
Rosemary essential oil contains loads of the powerful antiviral agent called PINENE.
Why have studies shown that walking through a pine forest increases the immune function against viruses?
You’re inhaling small amounts of PINENE when you’re in the midst of that lovely setting. And we’ve got the perfect dose of rosemary essential oil in the RevitaGuard formula.
**The personal experience recounted here should not be construed to constitute medical advise, nor should anything on this website. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Consult a qualified health care practitioner before taking supplements.